Rosebuds Supported Living was established in 2021 as a specialist provider of tailor-made complex care and support.
We support people with a diverse range of needs helping them to make choices, achieve goals and take control of their own lives.
Supported living will look different for everyone so our values are based on inclusion, choice and participation in all areas of community life, including living independently.


We chose the name Rosebuds because we believe it perfectly represents our outlook on supported living and what we are trying to achieve as a service.
Rose's can be grown almost anywhere in the world and we feel this principle applies to supported living, in the sense that everyone has the potential to flourish and grow in the right environment with the right support structure in place.
Rosebuds flourish into beautiful flowers and our mission is to provide a unique service, to support people to flourish and grow with independent supported living.

Rosebuds Supported Living is outcome focused with the aim of improved independence and social inclusion. We adopt a person-centred approach whereby the personal needs and goals of the people we support are at the centre of everything we do. This approach is very deliberate, it focuses on coordinated, personalised, and enabling care.
To provide a holistic and person-centred approach to care and support.
Draw out people’s strengths, positive experiences and capabilities to support them to meet outcomes.
Adopt a multi-disciplinary approach and work in collaboration with professionals, family and others where appropriate.
Provide choice, rights and control throughout all support provided.
Enable and empower people to remain independent within their own homes.
Through mentoring, enabling and empowering people, we can aid the development of daily living skills to promote independent living.
Prevent multiple placement breakdowns.
To promote social inclusion which enables people to participate actively in the community.
Regardless of whether someone has a disability, everyone has the right to the same opportunities in life.

Rosebuds Supported Living has a highly skilled team of kind and dedicated staff who are committed and passionate about the work that they do.
Our support workers have direct access to our experienced management team for advice, supervision, mentoring and personal development.
We provide a wide range of internal and externally sourced training for our staff, including specialist training for complex conditions. This enables the support team to adapt and manage a wide range of new and changing needs, and continue to provide a high quality level of person centred support.
New support workers will complete all internal Induction Training, as well as working towards their Care Certification and QCF framework qualifications, with QCF Level 2 Health and Social Care being the minimum requirement.